Embark on a twice-monthly expedition beyond the boundaries of Earth with Alien Agenda with Gene P. Abel. Hosted by Colonel Gene P. Abel, a best-selling science fiction author with a rich background in military service, financial analysis, and educational leadership, this podcast delves into the mysteries of the universe and extraterrestrial phenomena. Gene’s unique perspective, fueled by his professional experiences and vivid storytelling, propels each episode into discussions that entertain and challenge our understanding of the cosmos.
Through a blend of expert interviews, detailed analyses, and imaginative explorations, Gene uncovers the layers of alien myths, potential government cover-ups, and the scientific truths behind them. His books and articles provide a foundation for episodes that are both thought-provoking and grounded in research, making the unknown more accessible and engaging. Whether you’re a sci-fi enthusiast or a curious skeptic, Alien Agenda promises to offer insights that resonate and inspire.
As we traverse this cosmic journey, one question looms large, echoing through each episode, ‘Are we alone?’ What do you think?